Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Trick or Treat....Strike that, reverse it

The Halloween season is upon us. You cant deny it when you watch TV they are advertising Halloween TV specials and costumes. When you go in the store Halloween displays are in full force and people are trying to figure out costumes whether for themselves or for the kids.

I will admit that we didn't trick or treat much as a kid. Halloween was one holiday my mom wasn't into much. But there are a few fun things I do remember. The first is that we usually went to my Aunt Larissa's house and she had a little party, She would let us help hand out candy, we would make cookies, play games and sometimes my Uncle David would take us trick or treating around to members of the church in their neighborhood.

A very talented mom, She made my costume.
The second thing I remember is reverse trick or treating!! We moved here when I was 5 so I don't remember much about Arkansas but I do remember going reverse trick or treating. My mom (and I image us kids helped) made goodies and then loaded up trays of goodies into a box. My dad carried it and we all headed out. Mom always told us we would get more candy when we reversed trick or treated than if we just went trick or treating. Now that isn't why we did it. My mom has a great love for service and has taught us about service at a young age.

So much fun when he was so small and everything fit on the table!

I think with Kyle we have only missed one year doing reverse trick or treating and I believe that is when he was on chemo. I am already planning our cookie making time and checked to see that I had Halloween plates left over last year and that I knew where they were.

Oh the fun we have!!!!
A couple things to keep in mind......first if we go to elderly people (which we usually do) I try to go early before they would be expecting trick or treaters, that way hopefully they will answer the door. Think of those in your lives that maybe are elderly and don't have family, someone who is having a rough time and could use a nice surprise.....no one ever expects when you knock on the door that THEY will get the treat.
Most of all have fun with it!!! It is so great to make the cookies with your kids (or husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, nieces/nephews or good friends!!). Heading into fall/winter with all the holidays it really is a great time to do activities like this and make wonderful memories.  

Kyle after we delivered all our goodies....and dirty from all the fun!!!

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